Wasn't it Dazzling??
I don't know about you, but I had a blast going from blog to blog drooling over desserts and wonderful projects! So a big THANK YOU to Holly for getting this rolling. And keep checking back with Holly so you can win a cool prize!

I can attest to the fact that these are super recipes--had a Fall Market meeting with Pam yesterday and decided to treat her to a bit of her own apple recipe. It was delicious! And of course I had to provide Cheez-its to keep Pam focused on the business at hand.
(Not everyone has a lake front terrace for meetings!)

Anyway, in the spirit of Fall and the spirit of copying everyone else who is giving things away...
If you want to win this Late Bloomer Quilts banner, you know the drill...someone (probably another guinea pig) will draw a name at the end of the week!
I can attest to the fact that these are super recipes--had a Fall Market meeting with Pam yesterday and decided to treat her to a bit of her own apple recipe. It was delicious! And of course I had to provide Cheez-its to keep Pam focused on the business at hand.
(Not everyone has a lake front terrace for meetings!)
Anyway, in the spirit of Fall and the spirit of copying everyone else who is giving things away...
If you want to win this Late Bloomer Quilts banner, you know the drill...someone (probably another guinea pig) will draw a name at the end of the week!
Oh that is cute..the minute I saw it I wanted to add it to my list of "to do's" I have several railings to hang it from....that is just too cute.
If I win your adorable banner, I will in some way adorn myself with it so you will recognize me at Market. Of course, that might be your opportunity to also *not* recognize me. :-)
OH!!! Ew Ew pick me pick me! :) So darned cute Elizabeth and just about now my house needs a good infusion of boo like things for Halloween.
On a side note, we have a family raising/breeding guinea pigs in our neighborhood. They let them roam on the front grass free range with a miniature fence all around the lawn! It cracks me up every morning and I think about your grand-pigs daily... ;)
I'm trying to leave my comment while laughing over cyndi's comment -- the thought of g-pigs on the front lawn is awfully funny! PKM looks very cute with her cheez-its, her/your dessert looks stunning, and your banner is adorable!
Boo! to you :-) so cute!
Adorable banner! Please sign me up.
really cute banner...
we need to talk about banner's for market...I fear...
Very cute "BOO" Banner !! (Pssst - -Tell the "pig" if he picks me, there'll be somethin' in it for him.)
I like that, Mary Anne is now bribing your pigs. CLever I have to admit.
Loved your apple dessert, so tidy on that cute little cookie sheet. Loved my cheezits. Of course, they're like the food of champions you know.
And we won't need the banner to recognize Amy, I'll be watching for her red shoes.
The banner is adorable!! so is Pam with her little bag of cheezits:-)
I made that apple pastry too! Yum, yum.
Halloween is my fave holiday so I absolutely have to have that banner. LOL
Elizabeth I love that banner and would love to win it. I'll keep my everything crossed till the end of the week. LOL!!!
Do you ever notice how I always have a denim dress on when I get my picture taken? Seriously, I need more clothes.
Elizabeth, the banner is very cute. And Pam is too funny. Apple Pam Easy AND Cheez-its. She cracks me up.
I love the BOO banner. Please include me in your drawing!
Laura @ LLtawney@comcast.net
Halloween is my Birthday! and I would love to have a BOO banner to go with my BOO! quilts. Good luck to everyone! - M.
OK, I need to win this so what would the gerbil like? Can he be bought????
Oh,yes I would so love to own that banner so please pick me. Thank you for the giveaway.
OH what a cute banner!
Count me in : )
Oh pleassssssssse, pleasssssssssss
pick me! I love that banner. I could send my parakeets over to pick my name! :-)
I have to comment again.... I just love seeing PKM's photo. She just brightens up a room doesn't she?? LOL!!!!
Oh thanks for the vote too. LOL!!!!
I'll enter -- just to ensure that someone else wins! LOL. Scrumptious dessert, too!
LOL at Vicky, as soon as I saw what you wrote, I knew for a fact it was you!
I've been drooling over your quilts for a while now. I LOVE LOVE LOVE R is for Rose
And that Boo banner is so cute!
If I win... will you add another B to it?
What a cute banner. I enjoy reading your blog.
so cute, and a perfect touch to seasonal decorating. Thanks for the great inspiration.
Hi Elizabeth,
Cheez-its and apple treats, my idea of a well balanced diet! You girls sure know how to have a business meeting!
I want in! Love the banner!
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