Friday, October 31, 2008

Quilt Market Pics (round 2)

The whole "round 2" thing means nothing to you, but to me, it's a big deal. I'd spent considerable time on this post already and then Blogger in its infinite wisdom decided to delete all but the last sentence. And while it was a decent enough sentence, it really couldn't carry the whole post. So here we go again!

One of the great things about Market is all the visitors to our booth. Meeting up with old friends and making new ones. Pam knows way more people than I do, and I was lucky enough to meet some of them.

Here's Michelle of Green Kitchen blog fame. Yes, that's her behind the curtain, attempting some sort of artful shot of the booth. She was a delight and it was great to see Market through her very creative eyes.

And here's Kelly from Superbuzzy. Of course you already know that Superbuzzy is the place for all that is cool and Japanese. She was lots of fun and was sporting awesome little hair clips!

Next up we have Jona of Stop Staring and Start Sewing fame. Pam was thrilled to meet her...I live under a rock so Jona was new to me, but not anymore! Her blog is fantastic.

It was fun to see Sharon of Red Geranium Cottage and her friend No Blog, who I do believe has a blog?? I'm sorry but I'm a bit confused on that.

Here's amazon me with one of my favorite Market people--Kay from Serendipity Studio. She designs the most wonderful garment and purse patterns...I own almost all of them. I have actually finished one skirt and have a top about 30 minutes away from being finished. That may not sound like a glowing endorsement, but considering the trouble I have finding time to finish my own stuff...I can tell you her patterns are wonderful and very easy to follow. And could she be any cuter??

The star of Market this year was none other than Jay McCarroll of Project Runway fame. His booth was jammed all the time but I was on a mission to get his autograph for Monica. Had Michelle take this pic so Monica could see that it really did happen. Monica, I'm sorry I was unable to fulfill your premier fantasy, but I hope the autograph and little bug button will suffice.
Jay was lots of fun and I'd heard from Gina that he smelled terrific, and yup, he sure did!

As for Late Bloomer news, I managed to get all our new offerings up on the website yesterday, so have a look at what's new!


Blogger PamKittyMorning said...

Yeah, you got the update in! Love all your photos, I'm cracking up over the GreenKitchen one! I'd forgotten about a couple of them.. like how did I not get one of Superbuzzy? Wow. I'm lame. But you knew that.

10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoo whoo... love the recap, and I too am cracking up on the pic of Michelle/green kitchen. She's a quiltarazzi.

Ok, sigh... so George Clooney wasn't there and you couldn't fulfill my mission... but you and Jay McCarroll... how cool is that!

11:05 AM  
Blogger Nanette Merrill said...

Great pics and commentary - sorry blogger can be a bi*** at times. I hate when that happens. Love the new patterns. Looks like you had a lot of fun but I can't imagine how much work it is!

3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like the butterfly quilt. I'll have to find that at my local shop. Sounds like you had a great market.

5:45 PM  
Blogger Green Kitchen said...

Thanks for letting me spend so much time with you, your booth, and Pam. Without you, I would have been hopelessly afloat.

I'm going to go check out your patterns now. I was too unfocused to do it at Market.

7:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, you managed to get some great pics and a wonderful post even with bloggers problems. I just posted some pics of market and you are in them. It sounds like your market experience was fantastic too! It was a pleasure meeting you then.

5:53 AM  
Blogger Red Geranium Cottage said...

WOOHOOOOO I made your blog. And dont feel bad about he amazon thing, I deal with that all the time. I said I needed to find some tall friends and I found you. Maybe we can hang together. :-)

6:28 PM  
Blogger Heidi Kaisand said...

Isn't it amazing all of the fun people at Market. I needed another 3 days to see everyone.

4:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything looks so pretty and inviting...I love the bluebird vignette...I have a few of those vintage sweeties. :)

3:25 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Quilter Elizabeth, I don't know how you found me, but I'm glad I found you! Your blog is a delight! Elizabeth

4:05 PM  

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