Thursday, June 28, 2007


It's just plain harder to be productive during these days. Youngest son Jeff is in summer school which means a daily drive to the opposite side of town. I've tried at least 4 different ways to get there and I hit every red light every single time, regardless of my route. Hard to not take that personally!

I also managed to run over a piece of metal the other day and discovered an impressively large chunk stuck in my tire. Oh, why not. It's that kind of a week. We all have them now and then.

But a bit of sewing did get done! Regarding that pile of fabric I showed you a few posts back, uh, took a bit longer than an hour to start cutting into it. I also ended up putting much of the pile away. I wanted to make something really simple that could use some of the beautiful big prints that are available now and it seemed better to just stick with a few fabrics. It's gonna be one BIG simple quilt, I'll tell you that--and it's really happy fabric to work with.

I will share one more minor irritation I've been dealing with this week...this little guy. He's decided that vent thingie is the PERFECT place to grind down his teeth. And does he ever make a racket. That vent is on the roof directly above my sewing area. He's up there every single day. Morning and evening.

I guess he's gotten word that we're a rodent lovin' family.

Hope everyone out there is having a good week!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you so much for sending me a copy of your book.
I just love it.
I am looking forward to using it on a quilt I am making now for the letters I wanted to add to it!YOu have made it easier to do that now!
thanks again
Kathie in NJ

3:57 PM  
Blogger PamKittyMorning said...

Those fabrics are wonderful. And those are the kind of rodents I love. And you should move to my side of town.

4:35 PM  
Blogger Nicole said...

Perfect use of those big happy prints!
The photo of the squirrel is hilarious.

8:51 AM  
Blogger Nan said...

Your squirrel picture and story is totally funny! Of course, he just HAS to chew on the pipe that just happens to be above your sewing room! I thought that kind of thing only happened to me.......

8:23 PM  
Blogger Holly said...

adorable quilt...
could put you into an entirely different frame of mind...?

and that looks like a possible long lost cousin of one of your grandpigs???

great shot...were you up on a latter or what?


5:28 PM  

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