Strip-Smart Quilts

I have to be honest about a couple of things. When Kathy asked me if I'd participate in her blog hop, I didn't even hesitate. If you're lucky enough to know Kathy, you know she's about the sweetest person ever--and is just as talented. So of course I couldn't wait to get my hands on the book...and the ruler.
So the book arrived...and it was great to just sit back and look thru all the pretty quilts...hmmm...which one most strikes my fancy...
Days passed and all of a sudden came the realization that my day was coming up and soon. My sewing machine had just been moved...but most supplies were still at the old house. I was suddenly sorry I'd agreed to be a part of this...because I just didn't have the time. Or the attention span.
So I decided to see just how quickly I could make this happen. Picked a quilt pretty much at random, and grabbed some of the few pieces of fabric that are here. (Annie's Farm Stand by LakeHouse Dry Goods, dontcha know). Kicked the cat off the ironing board (that's another story for another day) and quickly skimmed the instructions.
Cut my strips...stitched them together at warp speed...kicked the cat off the ironing board yet again...and grabbed the ruler.
As an aside, when Kathy mailed me the ruler, she packed it very carefully. And added the words "Fragile" "Do Not Bend" and so on. The USPS quite helpfully, decided that she must really have meant "BEND", so they did. And the ruler arrived in 3 pieces. Sigh...
So again, just quickly skimming the cutting instructions? Off I went.
Time for assembly. Again, to be honest? Did not take the time to pin. Just grabbed triangles and sewed. Didn't need to pin because the seams effortlessly nested together.
The entire process? Would have taken less than 5 minutes but I ran out of bobbin thread.
I guess what I'm saying is that the book is fantastic...the projects are great and the ruler is amazing. Kathy did a great job with her instructions--I barely paid attention and my block is darn close to perfect.
Kind of a weird testimonial, but there you go. If I could do it with little attention and even less time? It's a great thing.
So you know the drill. Leave a comment and I'll draw a name and Kathy will make sure you get to play as well.
Number 1..oh no. Still hope I win this book and ruler, otherwise I am going to have to buy them!! Thanks for the chance.
Hey now! If you can get that gorgeous block made in the middle of moving and with a ironing "helper" I need to have one too. Sometimes life is crazy and we could use a little help. : )
I really enjoyed reading your story. And I agree, with all that you are doing and is happening and then still being able to make a block like that in no time, the book and ruler must be amazing!
Thank you for sharing and good luck with getting your sew machine ready in your new home (o:
That darn cat! The mean old post office! But lookit what you made! I would love to win! Thank you for taking the was a good little bloggy post!!
The book sounds great, too bad about the ruler though. Looks great too and would love to try it. Thanks!
My kind of quilts. As a beginner I need pretty patterns that aren't fussy and complicated. Love that yellow fabric you used!
great book and great helpers are always welcome
Love the yellows. Can't wait to give it a try.
Ahhh - I love honesty in blogs. But I love the pictures you posted and think it would make a fun, quick baby quilt (somewhere in the middle, I find myself thinking that it would be easier to buy a few onesies and forget about it). Looks like something I'd like to try.
This book is definitely a "Must Have"! I hope to win, but if not I will get it! Thanks for the giveaway.
It really looks like a great book to have! Thanks for the chance and for introducing it to us!
Oh I really like it...that's the oddest looking ruler, but I sure like the way it works.
What a shame about the ruler being broken. Although you managed quite ok tho :) Thanks for telling us all about Kathy's book and I do hope I win one as it looks like it will be fabulous :) Hugs Vicki
LOL, great testimonial in my opinion! Thanks for a great blog hop, I'm enjoying it.
Good luck with your move! Thanks for taking the time to test the block for us. Have a great day!
Wow-great testimonial. If you can do it with all the obstacles in your way (broken ruler, bad cat) even I might be able to manage that ruler. Loved your very pretty fabric also!
I am hearing great things about the ruler and book. Then a fun story from you. Got to love blog hops!!
What a great story for a wonderful block!
Thank you for the hard work, and the opportunity to win!
Love people who are truthful about just how easy a pattern is to work with. I look forward to reading the daily blogs everyday. Would love to win this book/ruler combo. Thanks for the opportunity.
Figure if I enter once on each blog I might just accidentaly win this wonderful book and ruler. Have you noticed that "yellow" and "reds" are pretty prominent right now? I am loving the combo. Thanks for the op and making the block look ultra easy to make.
Thx for being on the blog hop. Almost missed this - was mesmerized by the first quilt in "new patterns"! :)
I love blog tours for books as you get several perspectives on a book. This one sounds like a winner!
This ruler seems fabulous! So easy to make beautiful blocks from strips. Can't wait to try it. Thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for the introduction to this book and rulers. I love rulers!! kathie L in Allentown
Have the book and ruler on my shopping list....your block is perfect!
looks great! i'm sorry your ruler showed up in pieces... no fun! but it looks like you made it work regardless. they yellow prints with holly's famous white on white dot work really well.
p.s. don't pick me... i have the ruler & the book is on it's way to me.
This book sounds like such a time saver. It seems that whenever I need a special quilt, I always wait until the last minute to start so this ruler and book sounds perfect for me. Thanks for the chance to win in your giveaway.
Would love to win this ruler and book. I love gadgets. Have not seen this ruler at my quilt shop.
Oohhh....I hate when items come damaged in the mail! I can't wait to see this book in person and try out this great new ruler! Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Love the book and the ruler.Would sure like to win them.Your yellows are so nice.Thanks
I've never visited this blog before and wonder why not?!! You are hilarious..I just love the sense of humor in your post! I'm marking this one and plan to "catch up" on older blog post as well.
I've been following the book tour daily. I'm so intrigued! Every one of you say how easy it is and you do love the ruler...I'm sold but hope for a win first.
Would love to win the book and ruler.Thanks
I like simple uncomlicated things. Sounds like the book, the ruler and me would get along just fine. Hope to win. Thanks.
Love the fabric in your blocks. Would love to win the book! Thanks for the opportunity!
Fast and easy, perfect combination. Can't wait to win the book/ruler and hear the cat/ironing board story!
You are so funny & really have driven the whole "this is so simple" concept home! Say hi to the cat for me!
I've been enjoying everyone's testimonials about the book and ruler. Sure would enjoy playing with one. Thanks for the chance.
Okay, I'm salivating over this book now. I need some quick projects like this.
Reading your post looks like it`s easy cut with that magiacal ruler.I`d like play with one.
Thanks for the chance.
I'm sure I would enjoy the "cat on the ironing board" story. Despite Murphy's Law being activated, you came up with a delightful block ---will it become an equally delightful quilt? You made it look easy.
You make it look so easy, even with a broken ruler. Moving and having your stuff in two different places must be a hassle. Thanks for taking time from your busy schedule to join the fun.
I'm loving this book more and more!
Love to hear the cat story :0)
Thanks for the chance
I would love to win the prize. I have been drooling over this book since I saw it at Market. Thank you for the opportunity. Take care and God bless, Cory
This book sounds great! Thanks for the chance to win. I can't imagine using a broken ruler...I have enough trouble with an intact one.
i think i am starting to like this ruler and book ... :)
I love your use of white with the yellow! Oh every day to see what is done with this book and ruler is soooo fun. And so many chances to win..woohoo!!!
Great review! Now I cannot wait to get my hands on the book! The only way I can keep my cat off my ironing board, BTW, is to keep the door to the workroom closed. Sure gets lonely in there!
just beautiful and I'm happy to hear how easy it was to make! Now -- pick me, pick me!
I love your fabric choice! Awesome quilt!
Love the block you made. Makes the book and ruler even more enticing:) Love that fabric too.
vail in tn
This looks like such a fun book. I"m really enjoying embroidery. It had been years since I last embroidered I"d forgotten how much I like it.
It sure looks like making those blocks are so easy with tthe ruler. Love the fabric selection!
Thank you for such an entertaining review. Kind of sounds like how I do things, but mine don't turn out as nicely as yours! Thanks for the chance to win this book and ruler. :)
I love Penny Candy. So cute. This book looks terrific. thanks for the chance.
wow, you make it look easy. I'll have to give it a shot
Oh, I would love to win a book & ruler - looks like fun easy sewing! Go ahead & give Presley a snuggle! Thanks, Terry
This looks so simple and what great results! I would love to win the book & ruler.
This ruler looks awesome, as does the book. You block turned out great! Thanks for sharing the review and for the giveaway :-)
Love this block and fabric. I must get this book.
Some days are like that....we all have them. Your block is beautiful. I would love to give the book and ruler a try!
Impressive! This book and ruler seems to be a must for busy quilters! Life can so easily get in the way of our passion. Thanks for a chance to win!
Sure would like to win this book and the ruler. Thanks for the chance.
I think this is an amazing testimonial! That's how my sewing feels all the time! Thanks for hosting!
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Love your choice of fabrics and the references to the cat on the ironing board. I used to have trouble with my kids taking my cutter to the ironing board...I would find the cover in shreds. That was in the days when we had a land line with a cord. I know, you probably don't remember those days, but I am an old quilter! Thanks!
From your post it sounds like the ruler works like a charm!
Love the block and the ruler and the book!! Would love to have it. I also have trouble with my cat on my ironing board!
I really liked the quilt you chose and your demonstration of how easy it will be to get a great product. Each day I keep wanting this book/ruler more and more....
You always rock the fabric choice. You're amazing at that!
What a shame about the broken ruler, but you made do and gave us a lovely block. Would love to have this book and ruler too!
Great testimonial for the book and ruler! Another lesson, if you want something to arrive in one piece, don't write fragile on the package! Thanks for an entertaining read!
You make it look so easy! Love Penny Candy...I haven't seen this book before so it was fun to get a glimpse of what is inside!
Your "testimony" about the way you constructed the quilt block and overcame all your obstacles to get to the end result just made me laugh! That's the way it is around our house - everyday! And the ruler pulled through in three pieces! That sold me; I hope I win!! I wanna play too
cat on the ironing board... you're preaching to the choir girlie. i keep my lint remover next to mine. one of these days they'll invent a cat-remover-from-the-ironing-board. too funny - love those kitties but they CAN be diva'ish.
LOVE your experience with the new ruler and book - can't wait to get them myself.
Your post has made me want this book more than ever!
Sorry about your ruler : (
Cute fabric!
This book looks great! I have just the right fabric for one of these quilts. :)
I enjoyed reading your blog -- your block turned out so pretty!! I hope you make a whole quilt with these fabrics - beautiful!! Thanks for the opportunity! The book and ruler look like must-haves!!
Wow! If you can make it this fast. Then maybe, I can make quilts a littler faster than I do! (I'm an extreme slow poke). Thanks for sharing! Love the kicking the cat off the ironing board parts! I've yet to have to kick one of mine off. :-)
Amazing how a kitty always knows when there's something new! I'm anxious to see Kathy's new book and ruler. Thank you for blogging. I enjoy watching your work and getting inspired!
Wow...glad you got this done because it's beautiful! Now I want this book and ruler even more so than before!
Love your choice of fabrics. I would love to win the book and ruler.
I just love visiting your blog. I get so inspired just reading it. Love the pictures. I almost wish that I could clone myself, then maybe I could get everything done I wanted! I thought I did post to enter in the draw for the book and ruler, but I don't see my comment, so I am again offically in as of now. I would love to win the book and ruler. Count me in!!!! I'm going to see if I am already following you, maybe that didn't work the last time either. If not, I will be now!
Ha gave me a good laugh! I've had a few of those days; they seem to happen when I'm short on time too. Love how your block turned out; like the variety of your fabrics. Guess the ruler still works if it's broken, huh?!!!
I like those fabrics too!
And your story is very encouraging. Your block looks great. I can't wait to try this out!
I really like the fabric you had on hand! very cute.
I can't wait to get this book and ruler, looks like a lot of fun.
Thanks for sharing...good to know that I have a normal life too! :)
The block looks great and I love this ruler and all that you can do with it.
If it's that easy with all of your set-backs (thank you Kitty!) it's got to be great!!!
Obstacles? Ha, they are nothing to the super hero of quilters who push deadlines (isn't that all of us?) I think this is my favorite post about this book Elizabeth! I'm going to have to get that ruler by hook or crook.
I like this block and quilt. It looks "old-fashioned" and relaxing. Thanks for showing how easy it is.
Wow, a quilt block made in the middle of all of the chaos? That must be really easy and fun! Too bad your ruler arrived in not so good shape.
tamiquilts at att dot net
Wow.... I'd love to bust out a block w/ little time and 1/2 of my attention. A full time teaching job, a 5 year old, twin toddlers..... this is EXACTLY what I need!
I say that's a great testimonial with all you had to cope with to make the block it looks perfect. I do think that's a great reccomendation! I do so hope to win! Thanks!
Wow, that is a gorgeous block. I need to get that book and ruler, sounds like it makes the process a breeze.
Very pretty block and thank you for the chance to win.
Wow! If you can make such a pretty looking block with all of those troubles in the way, then Kathy's directions and ruler have to be the best things since sliced bread. :-)
What a fun block. Would love to have the ruler and book if my blocks would look as great as yours! Thanks for this chance to win!!
There just isn't enough time in the day to do everything we want. Your cat sounds like a hoot! Thanks for completing the block. It turned out great. I like the quick and easy projects.
Oh I'm just loving what everyone is saying about that book and ruler! I NEED both!
Totally want this book. Everyone makes it look so easy. That ruler is cool!
You do make sewing theses quilts look like a breeze. I can't wait to get the book & get started on my own.
Must have this book & ruler!
Love this giveaway and the fabrics you are using!
I hate that you pack something carefully, label it appropriately and STILL it gets BROKEN!! Go figure!! That ruler looks AWESOME!!
Late to the party but I would love to win this book and ruler. Super tool. Thanks for the chance.
That sounds like my kind of quilting day. I would love the book. The quilts look Great.
I'd like to hear about the cat on the ironing board! Love your block with all the different prints!
I think your experience is a great endorsement for the book and ruler! Where does poor cat get to sleep if not on the ironing board???
The book and the ruler looks Awesome. Thanks for the chance to win it.
I've been loving the quilts I've been seeing from this book. Love your fabric choice.
I had to laugh when I read your post. :) Your block did turn out well. I would love to win these. Thanks for the chance.
I smiled reading your story!! I guess we've all been there! But you know what they say - if you want something done ask a busy person!!
I'm all for super quick and easy! Beautiful quilt!!!!
Anything that easy is a fantastic help to time starved quilters like me.
You make it look so easy - and so far the quilt looks great. Can't wait to see this book in person :).
Your block looks great - would never guess the "back story". Aren't feline helpers the best:)I would love to add this book and ruler to my collection. Thanks for the chance.
Your block looks wonderful - I can't wait to see the book and try it out myself.
Your experience sounds like my quilting life, so if it can work for you, it can work for me. Count me in!
That sucks about the ruler. good to know you can zone out and make one of these quilts though. Sometimes I just want mindless piecing!
all of the quilts so far featured have been really cute.
With the time crunch on life and trying to be creative, who wouldn't love this ruler. Thanks for the chance to win.
Can't wait to hear the cat on the ironing board story....Thanks letting us know just how simple this can be. Love it. Thanks for the chance to win this fab book.
Looks like an awesome book thanks for the chance to win.
Looks great! Can't wait to see the book at the LQS (if I don't win one)!
Love that block. I am sooo intrigued by this book and ruler. Thanks for the opportunity to win!=)
Your block looks great despite your challenges! I hear you about the cat on the ironing board LOL. Thanks for the examPle and the chance to win!
You had quite a time getting your block made and it is great! I'd love to win a copy of this book and the ruler. Thanks for the chance.
Loved reading your post. Gave me a good chuckle. Can't wait to get my hands on the book and ruler!
This book looks awesome! :) I will have to get that ruler!
hehe, I like your testimonial very much and would love to have the book and the ruler.
I think I would like to give that ruler a try, the book looks amazing too. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Penny Candy is such a great pattern. I hope I'm one of the lucky ones! Thanks for the blog hop!
I seem to have the same attention span as I know I can make them too :) thanks for the chance to win the book
Pretty cool book and ruler!! Thanks for the chance!!
Sounds like you had little time for the block - and it looks perfect! Thanks for a chance!
Love your quilt and your story. Thanks for sharing! I'd love to win this book and ruler!
Love your block. It has the colors of sunshine!
You have just sold me on this book. Hearing that the seams nest together so well is music to the ears! Thanks
wow - you had quite the quilting adventure! And yet, look how it all turned out. Wow again. Can't wait to get my hands on that book... and that crazy ruler!
sunshdws at yahoo dot com
I'm all about easy and this looks great
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This book looks like a definite keeper!
Thanks for the fun & the giveaway!
& Good Luck unpacking!!
I feel so bad about your ruler! Your block turned out cute though.
Karen in Breezy Point
Best tutorial/testimony ever! Darn cat anyway LOL
Awesome. LOVE your testimonial and block created from the book. You did a GREAT job. Sorry but I HAD to laugh at the cat. I have one of those types myself and finally I gave him his very own drawer in my desk which is in my sewing room. He lounges in there all day long, wakes up,stands up, turns around and then snacks on his food which I have placed on the pull out tray in the desk. MOST of the time that helps but he does tend to love being in my way on my cutting table. LOL At least he's finally decided that laying his head on the bed of my sewing machine two inches from the needle isn't going to be allowed but wow, that was quite a long period of training to stop that.
Thank you for taking the time out of what sounds like a very busy time for you right now. Too bad about that ruler. :(
Would love to win the book and ruler. "Penny Candy" would be pure sweet! :)
I love the look of your block! I am getting so many great ideas from this blog hop!
The book and ruler look fabulous! I would love to win them! Thanks!
I like your block. Would love to win the ruler and book. Thanks.
Good to know. I like stuff that whips up fast. I tend to move on to the next fun project a little too soon sometimes, if you know what I mean.
The more I see of the book and the ruler, the more I like it!
Thanks for participating in the blog tour when you are so busy with other life's details!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Take care, Leslie
That looks great! And done with a broken ruler no less!
Ah! If I was only as talented when I have the time and all the supplies as you are when you are in the middle of a move. Great review.
OH! This looks like tons of fun! I'd love to win the book and the ruler....hope you pick me! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Pretty, summery fabrics and a knock-out block. I'm keeping my fingers crossed as I'm really looking forward to trying the patterns and the ruler!
Gorgeous block. Way to go! Enjoying the blocks/quilts each day of this blog hop.
You gals are coming up with great blocks! I really want to win! :)
Love the block! Not sure if I can wait till the end of the hop before I get this book and ruler. Thanks for all the fun!
I'm enjoying visiting all the new blogs to me in this blop hop. I'd love to win.
The block is lovely - I love the colors! thanks for the review and giveaway!
Woohoo,you make it look so easy,Great ruler great pattern.Bad postman!!
Cute block! I love speedy quilts. Thanks for the review! :-)
fun story, inspiring story for me who has no time to make quilts. I hope I win the book and ruler. thank you
Looks like a great book to me!!
I have the fabric now all I need is the book and ruler!
Love your block!
This book and ruler looks like so much fun!
Maybe a newbie like me could figure this book out in no time.
This ruler looks like it would be fun to use and love the book!! Thanks for the chance to win them!
Thank you for your honesty about the book. I love the color of your block. I'm sorry to hear about the ruler.
Did you glue the ruler back together? That's the pits to recieve it broken... Put my name in the hat to win the book and Ruler.
...Glad I'm not the only one that has to evict a cat from an ironing board to get some quilting done. The more blocks I see the more I really love this ruler and book. If I'm not a winner I will be looking for it at my local for sure.
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The fabrics you picked look so sunny! Great pattern you chose to do!
Can't wait to see this book live!
I think any tool that makes a quilter's life simpler is a winner in my books. And speaking of books, that book would love to be a member of my quilt family for sure. Thanks!
wow!!! cool story... shows what a great book and ruler!!!! Awesome, thanks for the chance to win!! Nurse Payne
Sounds like my type of ruler! I need it and the book, and maybe this quilting thing will go okay.
Great fabrics Elizabeth - How unfortunate that the ruler arrived in pieces. It looks like a great book and fun ruler.
Thanks for the chance to win it.
great story and a book would enjoy owning - thanks for the chance to win - know that if you can make a gorgeous block under trying circumstances that maybe I could too
Love the fabrics in your block! Those buttery yellows are always so warm and inviting, just make me feel good. I was browsing your posts and enjoyed the picture of the cat and guinea pig in the basket! Look like good buddies.
Wonderful quilt designs,that ruler is somethng I would use forever! Thank you for this Blog Hop Bonnie Nyquist bonniesline at aol dot com
I love this ruler and how quickly a beautiful block comes together. Thanks for showing us!
I hope I win a book and ruler! Thanks for the chance to win.
I guess when you really know what you're doing you can whip something sweet up even with the occasional helper. Looks great.
Leslie S. in MN
esclante at comcast dot net
Just leaving a comment. :)
I love the happy feeling I get when a block comes out so pretty and everything lines up.
Books are definately my favorite thing to win!
Sweet! this one is on my "to do" list for month!
This looks like lots of fun! I would love to win the book with the ruler. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Great giveaway! Please count me in!
So much fun, this Blog Hop and the give away! I keep my fingers crossed. Would love this book and ruler.
I would love to win a copy of the book. I love patterns wich use mainly 2 1/2 inch strips (I think I have a jelly roll laying around somewhere).
Jittina, the Netherlands
Sign me up, please. This looks like fun. I need something easy to do. Check out my blog this weekend for a giveaway of my own. My first. Cute block you made.
This book looks wonderful, and I'm crazy about your fabric choices ... thanks for the opportunity to win the book/ruler combo!
Good morning, this sounds like my kind of book, especially since my mind doesn't want to cooperate with my body lately.
Your block looks pretty darn perfect from my house - cute too! I'm starting to really like the idea of this ruler. Less moving - less room for error!
Just what I and easy, I have a really short attention span,
Oh wow! Absolutely love these quilts and the ruler - they are fantastic! Keeping my fingers crossed.............
I love this book and ruler and your fabric choices!! I would love to see your finished quilt.
Love the colors of the fabric you pick out. Great book and ruler. I would love to win!
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