Wednesday, April 30, 2008

How did this happen??!!!

Tell me there's something wrong with my phone. And my fax machine. They say it's April 30th? IT CAN'T BE.

I've been spending so much time chained to my Bernina that I've MISSED almost an entire month?

Pam reminded me yesterday--in her cheeriest voice--that we're leaving for Portland in 2 weeks!

Am I even remotely close to being ready? That would be a NO.

I've missed a few things around here...never did get the yard cleaned up for spring but that didn't stop the roses from starting their magic. Had to really fight my way over here to see "Evelyn" in bloom...

Didn't get my hanging baskets planted out back...that was an upsetting thing for our resident mourning doves to deal with, but they adapted by actually building a sturdy nest in a more reasonable place.

Many things have been blooming up in the studio, however...
And Melvin has been enjoying the nonstop company.

You'll be hearing lots more from me in know, starting TOMORROW...since there are lots of quilts being finished up and Market preparations are in full swing. Hope you all are doing well--I haven't been on a single blog in weeks!


Blogger PamKittyMorning said...

It is kind of a shocker, isn't it? Yup, this time in two weeks we should be around Lake Shasta. Or even farther.

11:22 AM  
Blogger Jeannie said...

Whew! I was worried that you had been buried under a pile of quilts! Glad you are back and look forward to peeks at what you have been doing. Cheers.

12:09 PM  
Blogger little acorns said...

There she is!!! You've come up for air! I know this Market preparation is probably aging us far beyond our years.. . . (& yet we keep doing it every six months!) . . but it is kinda fun - in it's own weird way.

I can't wait to see your new (& I"m certain), beautiful designs. . . (love the peek!). . . & I can't wait to see you! (TWO WEEKS!!!!)
xo, Bren

1:56 PM  
Blogger life in red shoes said...

Woo hoo, you're back!!!

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have been missed, but so happy to see your note. Can't wait to see what all of you amazing bloggers have in store for us. Just what we need more patterns to add to the huge stash that I keep meaning to get too!!!! I have been loving the book you so generously shared. Hugs, and remember to relax every once in a while!!!! Annie from San Diego

4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the new quilts! Isn't funny how it all seems to get done, just in the nick of time? :)

See ya there!

7:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Counting down the days! Can't wait to see you and PKM, and especially can't wait to have you over to Casa de Zombie!

12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo Elisabeth ,
Can you please tell me what's the name of the blue fabric with the roses ?
I really like it !
Love to read your blog, and follow your adventures !
Bye !

1:47 AM  

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