Monday, May 05, 2008

Happy Monday!

It was certainly a beautiful weekend to be working nonstop in the studio! Seriously. It looked so nice outside that I decided to let Melvin enjoy it as well. Presley loaned out his basket and Melvin had a blast.

If you do any of your own machine quilting, you may already know about this product, but if not, you SO should! It's by Quilting Made Easy and you just stick the papers on your quilt with the adhesive strips, and just quilt right on the lines. The motifs are super easy to adjust to the exact size you need and the paper peels right off. I love the stuff.

This week is total crunch time--so much left to do!
Have a great week, everyone!

Oh and P.S.: A big thank you to Alicia for sending the link to another wonderful place to view piggies...because Jack, Louie, Compton, Turbo and Melvin are not enough! Not to mention that apparently now I need to be sewing little pig outfits...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the post. Even though you market girls are SEW busy, it is fun to see you pop in too. Hugs to you and I will have to check out that machine quilting paper. Looks very interesting. XXXAnnie from San Diego

8:53 AM  
Blogger PamKittyMorning said...

Ahhhh Melvin looks so cute!!!

9:29 AM  
Blogger little acorns said...

Oh that little Melvin! I bet he's making plans for a picnic out there in the great outdoors. . . ! Either that - or he is in love with that car & wants to get that model. . .
. . . when he gets his license. . .
xo, Bren

11:04 AM  
Blogger life in red shoes said...

So tell me, are these little piggies easy to care for? We have had several hamsters and have loved them, but we are thinking of something more along this line. Yours are so darling, I think my #2 would love one! I love your blog and look forwar to every single post.

11:22 AM  
Blogger Nanette Merrill said...

Fun day for Melvin. I'll have to try Quilting made Easy.

1:34 PM  
Blogger Miss Jean said...

OMG! I think that Melvin must be part human! How cute can you get?

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course Melvin needs some little outfits. You certainly don't want him to be outdone by those English piggies.

When I was in middle school we had piggies - Charlie and Linda. We let them roam free in our back yard even when they had babies. Very cute, but too many little poopies for me.

6:00 PM  
Blogger Miss Tina said...

Melvin is so cute........

7:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Those piggies are so stinkin' cute! I hope my youngest daughter Haley doesn't see that blog, she has been nagging me for 6 months or better for a "pig", and if she sees that blog I will NEVER hear the end of it! Can't wait to see you in Portland! Hope all is going well and you aren't workin' too hard. Yeah right!

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Piggies? I understand that they are really fun pets! That you can house break them like a cat, to go in a litter box! I'm afraid though that I would never again be able to eat any type of pork product... (not that that would really hurt me, to go w/out it!)LoL...
The little guy looks so interested in what is going on outside! Can't say they don't have intelligence!
Hope your having fun while your working!
Jean C.

7:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too cute with Melvin looking out the window!

Counting down the days... I can't wait E!!!!

8:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of you and how hard you are working to get ready for Portland. It will be fun to you to see your market friends and all the new things they have too. I'll also look forward to a class I can take from you soon too.


2:11 PM  
Blogger Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Look how cute Melvin is!!! Love the paper, too. I will have to check it out.


8:18 AM  

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