Friday, April 04, 2008

Not so great at time management...

Honestly. Here it is, mere WEEKS away from Spring Quilt Market and what have I been doing? Shopping with Pam. Eating lunch with Pam. Driving Pam around (but hey--when I drive we get places faster.)
Well, today I decided I should do some working. Indeed I should! I've got quilts still to make, instructions to write, and so on.

I started my work day by gathering the quilts that will soon be on their way to Oregon for a trunk show at Traditions Quilt Shop in Baker City. One of the items that will travel is a Little Purse designed of course by Pam.

That got me thinking. I don't actually have a Little Purse for Spring. I've got a darling new jacket from Anthropologie, and nothing to go with it! Will making a purse help me in any way toward getting ready for Market? Certainly not! Is it imperative that I do so anyway? Yes!

So I gathered some pretty fabrics, and you have to admit, Lecien makes some of the very prettiest, and off I went.

I've made so many of these little bags that it didn't take long at all. I used a vintage French button (acquired on a trip with Pam) and some vintage French trim (acquired on a different trip with Pam) and I'm quite pleased with the result! I used a little bit of glue to help those buttons because quite frankly, I suck at sewing on buttons, and now I can get back to the real work.

Of making quilts and showing you sneak peeks of them.

Have a great weekend, everybody!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the everything that you do and mostly I love that my book came in yesterday's mail!!!! It is much to cute and as soon as life gives me a moment to breathe, I am on my way to a nest pillow!!! Thank you for the brightest moment of my week...the rest of the week was consumed with caring for my Mom who has been in a great amount of pain. Not complaining, because I believe the sad times in life just make the happy times that much sweeter. So I am looking forward to happy times, pillows and cute blogs that inspire and bring smiles. Hugs, Annie from San Diego

5:04 PM  
Blogger PamKittyMorning said...

Ohhh its so cute!! I really love it!

8:01 PM  
Blogger Jan Ely said...

Love the delicate-ness of it! BTW, been meaning to find a kind way to tell you---my button came off! But in all honesty, the cat WAS pawing near where it hangs on my bedpost, so not actually having SEEN it fall off, it MAY have been the victim of Stella's claws!

9:01 PM  
Blogger Red Geranium Cottage said...

What a cute little purse, love the jacket and of course I love me some PAM!!!

9:51 PM  
Blogger Tina in Boston said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7:46 AM  
Blogger Tina in Boston said...

Hi! I've been lurking for awhile and finally decided to comment and say that Pam sounds like she is a great friend!! How lucky you are! The bag is super cute, too! (That was me above, deleting a typo in my comment.)

7:47 AM  
Blogger Amy DeCesare said...

Those purses from that pattern are so cute! Where on earth do you find the gorgeous buttons that you suck at sewing on?

8:57 AM  
Blogger Nanette Merrill said...

Such lovely softness, especially against the devine anthropologie jacket. Too cute. Love it all. And we all need a distraction like Pam.

10:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No matter how much work we may have left to do in preparation for market, spending time with special friends is always so much more fun and always seems to re-energize me! Always enjoy your beautiful photos!

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm telling you... do not leave me your booth unattended. And check my pockets before I leave.

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IN your booth...

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Elizabeth! I read your blog all the time, and finally remembered to leave you a comment. Stop by and visit me sometime @, thanks! Barb

4:42 AM  
Blogger The Chicken Lady said...

The bag turned out so great. The fabric, laces and button are perfect together. I hope you got some work done finally. :)

3:11 PM  

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