Thursday, May 22, 2008

We're baaack!

I know Quilt Market has been pretty thoroughly covered on many other blogs, but Pam and I just got home so we've got lots to report. I assume she got home...haven't heard from her since she dropped me off last night, but after spending 8 straight days with me, she may be under her bed whimpering. Who knows.

So we left last Wednesday, which seems like soooo long ago.

Started pretty early, too!

It was daylight by the time we got to Shasta Lake--what a lovely area.

And it's just not spring quilt market time without snow! At least this time we didn't have to drive through it.

Looked around a bit in Dunsmuir...and discovered that Pam has a darling place in the mountains. Who knew?

Tough to find a place to eat...and I do believe we should have kept looking. Here's our breakfast being prepared at one of those fun retro diners. Every item in the place was covered with a nice film of retro grease, but we lived to tell about it, and that's the important thing, right?

Well, there's lots more to tell, with actual quilty pics and antique shop tales...but I still haven't unpacked and my guys so thoughtfully have left me with MUCH to do. More soon!!


Blogger Miss Jean said...

Well Pam has been holding out on us! We'll fix her. My bags are packed, girls. Let's go! Actually, Dunsmuir is a darling little town. Is the quilt shop still there. And what is a meal without genuine vintage grease?

I'm glad you had a great time at market. Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures. I'm sure everyone loved your patterns and books as much as we do.

8:36 AM  
Blogger PamKittyMorning said...

OHMYHECK you already posted. I'm still in my pj's, just posted myself saying sorry I'll post later. And Frankie and the Binz is here so we're yakking. And I'm drinking coffee. And going through the million crappy photos I took.

And gee, where are you? It seems weird you're not around.

9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey - did you get your haircut? I saw some pictures of you on someone else's blog (can't remember who) and it looked like you were sporting a "new do". Very cute and summery looking. Glad you and Pam made it home okay. I'm looking forward to reports and pictures.

10:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Curse that Pam for getting to say our new favorite word before we do! Glad you made it home safe and sound... and I miss you so much! And I felt guilty about going to DQ last night without you. Until I found out you guys went to Coldstone. OMH... I'm not in the least bit feeling guilty any more!

10:22 AM  
Blogger Nanette Merrill said...

Your booth looked great from the photos. The looks from Monica's pic of you 2 is priceless. It looks like you had a nice time.

12:24 PM  
Blogger Jodi Nelson said...

Welcome Home! It was a blast seein you and Pam. Your booth was adorable and so was everything in it. Hope you get some R&R this weekend.

1:53 AM  
Blogger The Chicken Lady said...

So glad to see you chicks are home safe. I can't wait to see all the pictures between you, Pam and Monica.

4:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a beautiful booth you had at market! Nice to hear you enjoyed your travels through my neck of the woods near Shasta Lake.

6:42 AM  
Blogger Heidi Kaisand said...

Hi Elizabeth, it was sure nice seeing you at market. I stopped by your booth one morning before the show opened and just stared at all of the beautiful things.

And, I just loved your hair. I've decided to grow my out for a change. We'll see how long that lasts.

9:28 AM  
Blogger Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Hi Elizabeth! I loved yours and Pam's story of the trip - too much fun for y'all! LOL about the greasy stinks not knowing where all the good eats stops are. Your booth is just fantastic and I was telling Pam I love all of the pottery pieces. I would have brought the basket for the same reason ;). Jean and I took a drive to Liver-more-no-thank-you. That is what I call your town cause I hhhhaaattte Liver...anywho...visited the infamous quilt shop...left there poor - but got some great fabrics!!

Have a marvelous weekend!!


4:02 PM  

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