Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Just a couple more stops...

I have to hurry and get this post finished because in real time, today is my 25th wedding anniversary and we're getting ready to take off for a couple of days.

This was my second time in Ireland...and like Scotland, there's just something about that place that makes it very hard to leave.
We did tour Belfast and the surrounding areas and while it has some beautiful scenery, it's the area around Dublin that I really love.

I did have to take a picture of this little house along the road outside Belfast...we were told that it's for sale and needs someone to clean it up a bit. Don't you think it would make a great sewing cottage?

When we were in Dublin 2 years ago, my dad and I chose the tour that's called "Powerscourt Gardens and Shopping" because the name has two of my favorite words. I loved it so much that this time I promised him he could pick all of the other tours as long as we could do that one again. Not a hard sell.

Here's what you see if you glance up when you first walk in...if there was any way to carry that home on my lap I'd have done it.

They've got some roses...

And fountains...and hey,what's that through the gate over there? I think we should go see...

It's a great place if you have hydrangea-love...

And what about the shopping?

If the girl on the left looks a little chilly, that's because the sweater she was wearing now belongs to me. And yes, it was on sale.

Avoca is an amazing, beautiful Irish wool...darling clothes...and even a touch of Cath Kidston and Greengate.
And if you noticed on my sweater's tag, Avoca has been around awhile.

Well, sadly I did have to leave Ireland. But how's this for cool? I've got a quilt top that is getting ready to head on over there! (more on that later!)


Blogger Tami @ Lemon Tree Tales said...

Ah, I love Ireland! My husband and I have been there probably five times now. Once for a three week whirlwind driving tour around the entire island! Don't you just love those flowers in Powerscourt?! Great stuff. Thanks for sharing the pictures of your trip. Oh, and happy anniversary to you and your mister. :-)

8:49 AM  
Blogger little acorns said...

Oh how I love your photos of your trip! Thank you for posting them! (. . . she said, hoping there would be more!)

. . . & Happy Aniversary! Twenty-fifth??? No way!. . . You must have been a child bride!!! Have a wonderful getaway!
xo, Bren

8:51 AM  
Blogger PamKittyMorning said...

I love all the pretty gardens. It would be lovely to live somewhere that you could have such lush gardens. I have massive hydrangea love.

Have fun on your romantic outting.

8:58 AM  
Blogger Nanette Merrill said...

Happy 25th anniversary! Not lots of people make it to that point. Pat yourself on the back. Love the sweater and the flower pictures. Glorious.

9:51 AM  
Blogger Megan said...

oh what beautiful photos, thanks for sharing them!

And a very happy 25th! time flies when you're having fun, doesn't it??

12:00 PM  
Blogger Mama Spark said...

I am so envious! Ireland is where I wanted to go for my 25th in a week. I guess I will live through you! Thanks for sharing.

12:48 PM  
Blogger Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Man oh man, more delicious pictures to drool over. Love your new sweater!!! Adorable!!

Happy 25th!! We celebrated ours last year. Enjoy your time away and cheers - clink...clink....


1:43 PM  
Blogger Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Man oh man, more delicious pictures to drool over. Love your new sweater!!! Adorable!!

Happy 25th!! We celebrated ours last year. Enjoy your time away and cheers - clink...clink....


1:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gardens are absolutely gorgeous! Hydrangeas are my favorite!

2:37 PM  
Blogger Mar said...

oh would love to make that trip, the gardens are so beautiful and that little cottage!! Thanks for showing us around.

10:31 PM  
Blogger Darlene said...

Happy happy anniversary - 25 years is an amazing fete! Congratulations!

5:19 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You've done Ireland proud. Glad you like our part of the world. Happy a great 25th Anniversary!

8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy, Happy Anniversary! I just love that little house and if I were a rich man (or woman), I think I would buy it today! Instead, I'll have to dream about it!! Look forward to reading about your quilt top that will head to Ireland. Someday I will visit there as I have Irish ancestry.

8:25 AM  
Blogger Red Geranium Cottage said...

OOOhh I wanna see that sweater. Beautiful photos. And a big old HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and the mister Late Bloomer.

7:23 PM  
Blogger Tammy Gilley said...

Okay, everything is really pretty, but I LOVE that chandlier!! :)

9:12 AM  
Blogger The Chicken Lady said...

Oh, I NEED to go to Ireland. We were planning a trip this year, but went to the East coast of the USA instead. When the kids are older, we'll all go. When they can enjoy a pint and good music with us. :) Looks like you had an incredible time and I totally thing that little house would be a great quilting cottage.

2:16 PM  
Blogger Angelina said...

I'm feeling like hopping the pond today. Wonderful pictures!

12:02 PM  

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