Friday, August 01, 2008

Where shall we go today?

How about the Isle of Man?

I've really got to speed up these posts--I've been home for 2 weeks now.

Like everywhere else, the Isle of Man was totally charming. AND they have great shopping. If you ignore the exchange rate and pretend that the dollar is worth more than virtually nothing, you'll have a wonderful time. I know I did!

First stop was a totally touristy one. This is the biggest water wheel in the world (I think). It was quite a hike up to the top, I can tell you that. But I preferred spotting the foxgloves that grow wild pretty much everywhere...

admiring the sheep...

and my favorite part was the lovely walk back to the bus.

Hey, Pam! You need a set up like this for Binnie.

Finally got inside a Marks & Spencer. Our tour guide said he really doesn't understand the American fascination with the store, and after shopping there, I'd have to agree. It's kinda like a JC Penney, don't you think? I did get a cute bowl that I'll be turning into a pot for some ivy (once I gather the courage to drill a hole in the bottom) and for reasons I cannot explain I bought a couple of pillow cases.

Next was Thornton's for some Special Toffee. And yes, it is indeed SPECIAL. It'll stick to your teeth but boy, is it worth it.

Stopped by the bookstore to gather up a crazy quantity of magazines--both home dec and car magazines for my guys.

Popped into River Island...a shop I sure wish would come to Livermore! Darling clothes and really reasonably priced--again, if you ignore the exchange rate.

And everyone was SO NICE.

Check out this garden we passed on the way back to the ship...sigh...

Here's the only tourist I'll allow in a pic--why is he so happy? He's got the bag with the toffee in it.


Blogger Unknown said...

Very much enjoyed the tour! I would be the happy tourist with the bag of candy, only mine would be fudge! Thanks for sharing.

12:55 PM  
Blogger rachel griffith said...

how fun.
let us know how the drilling goes on the future ivy pot.


1:04 PM  
Blogger PamKittyMorning said...

Ohmyheck I'm pea green with envy!

2:32 PM  
Blogger little acorns said...

Oh Elizabeth - these photos are wonderful! I could eat them up! (with or without toffee!) xo, Bren

10:09 PM  
Blogger life in red shoes said...

Your pics are great, so glad you had a good time!

3:17 PM  
Blogger Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

I'm drooling! Yup! With Scottish GREEN envy!!! What a wonderful trip, awesome pics and your dad is adorable! What joy and memories you have and it is amazing to have shared them with him.

I am saving my pennies and schukles.


10:20 AM  
Blogger Mar said...

I too would be gazing at foxgloves, I have no need for height. Lovely photos.

10:49 AM  
Blogger jen duncan said...

Thanks so much for sharing your vacay pics with us. Makes staying home a little easier. ;-)

2:17 PM  
Blogger Nanette Merrill said...

Love the pictures and descriptions. The picture of your dad makes me miss mine. What a sweet time you had.

9:25 AM  
Blogger Happy Zombie said...

I love, love, love that path! I want one in my yard. If I only had a genie to get it all done. Thanks for tour and mini-vacation for me!

10:29 AM  
Blogger Anne Sutton said...

Wow, next time call me. I'll go with you! LOVE the pictures, and the shopping and I can taste that candy.

8:22 PM  
Blogger Paula said...

I have to laugh, as I scrolled through your pictures...they looked so familiar...then I realized you were in Scotland! My father lives there and so does his bunny - in a very similar cage as you show- although it is not their house. I just wanted to say hi to "Ollie" after seeing it! Hope you had a jolly good time! Sounds like you found some good eats!
Paula :)

11:40 AM  
Blogger Janet said...

It looks like a lovely trip. I like your foxglove picture - they're my favorite flower. Where I live they do NOT grow wild though :(

11:25 AM  

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