Monday, June 30, 2008

Golden Threads

Whew! What a wonderful weekend!
Pam and I arrived in Sutter Creek on Friday for the Mother Lode Quilters Guild "Golden Threads" quilt show.

First of all, I have to say, the MLQ guild has the greatest ladies ever. You might want to disagree with me--because perhaps you feel YOUR guild has the greatest ladies ever. Sorry. Yours comes in a close second.
It just does.

I've always loved Sutter's like you've stepped back in time to the Gold Rush days.
Except with fun shopping and nice restaurants.

Of course we had to shop...and I have a new favorite store! (Like you didn't see that one coming). It's called Tomorrow's Heirlooms and I can't wait for the opportunity to go back.

This pic should give you a hint of what it's like...

Here's where we stayed--the Sutter Creek Inn. The main house was built before the Civil War...the room we stayed in had been added on later and it's claim to fame is that the bathroom was the very first bathroom in all of Sutter Creek. And yes, it's been remodeled a bit since then.

Shopping and dining is great...but we were here for the QUILT SHOW!! I was so honored to be the guild's Featured Quilter and Pam enjoyed being the Featured Friend.

Their opportunity quilt, which I posted about earlier, is so gorgeous. The photos don't do it justice.

Here are 3 of their previous opportunity quilts on display...sorry, my feather tree is blocking the view.

I hope Pam got a good pic of some of our Livermore (and formerly of Livermore) friends. Including my favorite Barbara in the world. It was so great to see her!

They had a great turnout and I was glad to have the chance at the last minute to get some pictures of my favorite quilts from the show.

This quilt was made by Lola--she'd just gotten it finished in time for the show.

Here's a ribbon-winner: "Bees for the Fields" by Barb. Wish I could have gotten the whole quilt in the picture...

Here's my absolute favorite quilt from the show--"My Rose Garden" by Beverly Kelly-Swift (who is a blast to be around, btw). She used her own rose garden to pick the colors for this beautiful piece.

Finally, here's a lovely quilt by Sue. Are you ready for this? It's her FIRST QUILT EVER.

I really want to thank Anelie and everyone from the Mother Lode Quilters Guild for making our weekend so memorable!


Blogger PamKittyMorning said...

It was a great time! Thanks for bringing me along!

9:25 AM  
Blogger jen duncan said...

Those are some pretty fabulous quilts. You two gals just have the best adventures!

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the great pictures! You two just have too much fun!

10:36 AM  
Blogger Nanette Merrill said...

Ok Sue is definately some lady. Wow. That one is my favorite quilt. I can't believe its her first! Imagine.

11:02 AM  
Blogger little acorns said...

I just love looking at the quilts made by guild members. . . & these are a bunch of beautiful ones! What a fun weekend! xo, Bren

12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like some beautiful quilts were made and displayed

8:39 PM  
Blogger Tammy Gilley said...

Fun, fun, what a great weekend!!

8:14 AM  
Blogger Happy Zombie said...

What a great show and congrats again on being the featured quilter. I do so hope they gave you a crown!

11:05 AM  

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