Saturday, May 24, 2008

Near brush with fame

So Pam and I are leaving Market...and we see that our bridge is closed. You know, OUR bridge. The one that leads us to the only way we know back to our hotel.

As has been mentioned before, "Pam" is "map" spelled backwards and once again I was grateful that she was doing the driving.

We make it back to our street, and we see something going on. Something political.What could it be? Every side street was blocked with a motorcycle officer...

Once at the hotel, we didn't feel it would be prudent to double park right in front of one of the aforementioned officers, so I convinced Pam that it would be best to loop back around and try to figure out what was going on.

For some reason it didn't matter who the politician was, it was exciting to be so close to an official motorcade. At least I felt that way. Pam was a little more concerned about getting us safely back to our hotel.

Turns out it was an Obama event, so once back to the room I celebrated my new feeling of Obama-mania with a 100 calorie Snowpuff.

We found out the next morning that Bill and Chelsea had spent the night in our hotel. I'll assume the a/c worked for them (it was a problem a lot of folks had) and I bet their tvs were visible from their beds (ours jutted out oddly into the middle of the room.) However, I'm sure if they had brought their own snacks, they couldn't have been more tastefully arranged by housekeeping than ours were.


Blogger PamKittyMorning said...

Ahhhh you are too funny. I can't believe you have that photo of me going ahhh!

We have a good time wherever we go.

7:02 PM  
Blogger Carla said...

Can I go with you guys next time? Please???

4:38 AM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

Great seeing all the sights thru your photos. You two definitely know how to have fun!

7:39 AM  
Blogger Miss Jean said...

My sister bought a gps for her car and calls it Dorothy. I'm going to get one and call it Pam! A good driver/map reader is worth their weight in gold!!! Cudos to you, Pam! I'll have to see if she can be our navigator on our next trip.....

I love love love that picture of her. It looks like you two had such a great time. My friend and I go on little mini trips now and then and we have such a great time.

10:10 AM  
Blogger Mary Anne said...

WOW! you girls found your way around a strange city like pros! ....but here's the real shocker .... Obama, Bill and Chelsea didn't realize how close to celebs THEY were with you two gals staying in the same town AND the same hotel !!!! They had their brush with greatness and didn't even know it!!

P.S. -- THANKS for visiting me on my blog !!! Come back soon !!

11:43 AM  
Blogger little acorns said...

Oh. . . holy cow. . . those bridges!! I think that we took almost each & every one of them . . . just for the fun of it (& to avoid the great big tall scary one at the southern end!)
But if there was ever a city to "get lost" in. . . I think Portland would be my pick to get lost in. I love just driving downtown to look around!

I love your stash-o-snacks. What would a Market be without them! We stocked up on chocolate covered pretzels too. . . y.u.m.

It was so good to see you!. . . & I'll be e-mailing you to see if you have gotten busy on a certain "project" yet. . . ? ? ? Hmmm? :-)
xo, Bren

12:56 PM  
Blogger Jodi Nelson said...

You gals are hysterical ! LOL.
Love your photos and posts. Love that Jacket!

11:33 PM  
Blogger Anne Sutton said...

I'm just catching up on the blogs. You and Pam always have the MOST exciting adventures and take the BEST pictures ever. I feel like I was in the car with you. Hey, how come I wasn't?

6:39 AM  

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