Monday, May 26, 2008

A People Post!

I have to keep going on this...there's so much more to share and there's POST Market stuff to get to as well!

One of the great things about Market is seeing people you only get to see twice a year...and the fun of meeting new people to look for next time.

One of my new patterns, "Winter Charms", uses the "Winter" fabric line by Minick and Simpson for Moda. How exciting to have Laurie Simpson come into the booth and admire it! I just love their fabrics.

Jackie Clark stopped by...she didn't have a booth this time so Pam and I will have to wait for Houston to swoon over her lovely stuff. She's a wonderful, warm person and her fabrics and patterns are all so beautiful.

Speaking of favorite gals going without a booth this time...Tammy Tadd and Sherry! We got to have a delicious dinner with them (with MANY funny stories) and Tammy brought us such lovely goodies, which will have to be covered in another post--they're still buried up in the studio.

Cyndi Walker of Stitch Studios did have a booth...and a wonderful new book! It's called Spotlight on Scraps and it's full of awesomely darling projects. Nothing like giving her a little pressure. "SIGN MY BOOK WITH SOMETHING HEARTFELT WHILE I STAND HERE AND WAIT".

I really hate to post this next pic, but Kay is one of my favorites! She designs the most DARLING garments--and those fancy jackets are all based on a sweatshirt. She's amazingly talented and so super sweet...but look at that picture. My freaking hand is about as big as her head.

Just tip your head to the side and admire those cute outfits!

Still more to come--please bear with me!


Blogger Nanette Merrill said...

Very cute stuff. Love the "tip your head to the side" haha. Funny.

8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the new quilt. Just beautiful! If only I could have been a fly on the wall at Quilt Market.

9:30 AM  
Blogger PamKittyMorning said...

The people part is my fav part!

10:24 AM  
Blogger Miss Jean said...

Oh, my gosh and golly! I love Winter Charms!!!!!!!!! I need a kit for it NOW!!! If you know anyone kitting it up, please let me know.

You rock, my dear.

2:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just thinking about that dinner..... I laughed so hard I was crying. Especially everytime I think about the "underwear caught on the fence" story! You girls gave us such a fun evening inspite of the "hot" hotel room we had to endure! Glad you liked your presents. Can't wait to see what you do with them!

See you soon!

2:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ok Elizabeth, just cause Ali didn't invite her own "mother" to the wedding doesn't mean you need to take it out on Holly and I! We didn't even get a picture with the three of us...sniffle sniffle! And your booth was so far away, this needs to be corrected in Houston!

2:15 PM  

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