At Quilt Market, while visiting
Holly at her booth, she pulled out a chunk of this
fabric and asked offhand if I'd like to take it home with me. Well she didn't have to ask me twice!
I love love love that print--I'm sure if I wasn't so busy sewing I'd be making desserts like that all the time. Don't believe me? How 'bout just at Christmas time? Still no? You're right. But that fabric is so cool, don't you think?
I'm normally not a huge fan of pearlized fabrics, but at Christmas time I see it all differently.
And what I was seeing was some new projects for my house for Christmas!
Every year it's the same thing with
Pam and me. I try to suck her into my feverish holiday decorating frenzy and I know she feels drawn in but at the same time has to fight her Inner Grinch. I'm so happy that she was asked to participate in the Cross Country Christmas blog hop because she's having to immerse herself in Christmas goodness day after day and I'm hoping that this year I'll be able to take advantage of her weakened defenses and can talk her into having the same kind of fun that I do!

So anyway, that's where it started. I already had some of that particular line of fabric (LakeHouse Teatime Florals 2) but went over to the
Fat Quarter Shop to grab some other bits, since the more options the better, right?

I've added tulle, a chunk of swirly white fabric, some vintage dresden trim, cheapo ornaments from Target, and I think I'll make some more felt doves from
this pattern.

I already have plenty of birds and pale colors for my living room tree--here's a pic of last year's--and I think it'll be fun to work some of these new items in.
Can't forget the Granny Kitchen and family room...I've been busy collecting items for that area as well.

Vintage fabric, a favorite stripe and some inexpensive cotton from Joann's are forming a sweet little collection!

Some of Martha's glitter, the cutest .99 felt stars from Target and some
stars of my own are forming their own little pile in another part of the studio.
So far all I've done is gaze at my assortments of goodies. I've been busy making valances, after all! (More on that to come). But tomorrow I'll be getting my plans in order--I'm seeing quilted runners, pillows, pictures and who knows what all else.
And since I've gone and told you all about it, this will make me actually finish...and I'll be sharing my progress so be sure to check back! There might even be some fun things for you as well...